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Why The Answer To Men’s Longevity & Better Lovemaking… Is Up Your Bum — Nick Broadhurst

Why The Answer To Men’s Longevity & Better Lovemaking… Is Up Your Bum

There’s a part of the male anatomy that, when healthy, leads to better sex, stronger erections, enhanced memory, longer life, and more pleasure for BOTH parties in the bedroom… and it’s not the organ you’re thinking of! Join me to hear about a powerful ancient exercise for this overlooked organ that has radical health repercussions and can transform your next lovemaking session. Whether you are female or male, this episode is for you...

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One of my favourite things about doing this podcast is coming across something that radically improves my quality of life and then getting to share it with you. If you have been following this show for a while, you will know how much I love talking about intimacy, sex and different practices that can help you evolve as a lover and as a spiritual being. In episodes 96 and 97 we dived deep into the world of cervical orgasms, which for women, really is a gateway to god. And in episode 67 we uncovered some truths about conscious ejaculation.

While today’s show is aimed more specifically at a part of the man’s body that is largely ignored, this is a very important issue for all women, so that you too can understand why this stuff is so crucial for men. This is definitely one to send to your partner, father, brother, uncle. Any man in your life who is open to receiving some new information.

Now, you know that I am always radically honest with you, and today I am going to be very vulnerable with you and talk about something that I was embarrassed about. That’s exactly why I need to share this because these topics need to be spoken about much more openly. Just because something involves a penis or vagina doesn’t mean it should be relegated to that awkward conversation with a practitioner or perhaps just buried and never spoken about,

This all started for me about two years ago. I was in a deep dreamy space asleep next to my lover when I started having an erotic dream that built and built until it became too much and, suddenly… the great genital sneeze. Ejaculation. A wet dream. My first thought was, ‘But I am a mature man, doesn’t this just happen to teenage boys?’ So I was kind of like, ‘Wow, my sex drive must be really high. I am the king of the world.’ But then these midnight ‘sneezes’ started happening many months in a row, at least once or twice a month, I started thinking, what else could be going on here?

Years ago I discovered Taoism which radically transformed my understanding of my own body and sex life. I can’t imagine where my life would be without this information and where my marriage would be, or if I would even *be* married. It brought about self-awareness and devotion to service that attracted Melissa in the first place and elevated my relationship to heights I never dreamed of.

I knew that these middle of the night lucid escapades were robbing me of much life force and decided to dig deeper into Taoism for an answer. This is where I came across a simple exercise that focused on one largely overlooked area of the male anatomy: the prostate gland.

The thing with the prostate is that it is most efficiently accessed via a part of your body that heterosexual males like myself tend to ignore… your anus. We hear about the prostate mainly because of the high rates of prostate cancer in the world today. Not as a pathway to higher levels of health and consciousness.

But this powerhouse of an organ has so much to offer! It is, in fact, the location of the male G-Spot. I know what some men are thinking, or even women… surely the male G-Spot can’t compare to the female G-Spot? Isn’t it just a nice little consolation given to men to make them feel like they have some level of depth beyond their penis?

Nope. The male G-Spot is the real deal, and it’s something that you want to make sure you keep very healthy. I will dive into how to do this and what this has to do with my nighttime adventures in a minute, but first, let’s look at why the prostate is so critical to men’s health and happiness.

The prostate creates around 35% of the fluid that comes out when you ejaculate. This fluid is alkaline and helps sperm survive in the acidic environment of the vagina. The prostate also acts as a kind of sieve and removes toxins or waste to protect the sperm, which of course helps men have the best quality sperm for making bubbas. You could call it the ‘Father’ of male hormones because it contains an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase which converts testosterone to DHT (dihydrotestosterone), which is a potent hormone with numerous functions including male sexual drive and function. So as men age, if the prostate is neglected, you get a build-up of toxins in the prostate which affects the production of this enzyme leading to lower sex drive and impotence. 

As men get older, a neglected prostate can get very large and blocked. This lack of blood flow impacts a part of the brain called the hippocampus which does many things, including maintaining your long term memory… which is kind of important if you want to remember your own name! That’s why there is such a strong link between prostate cancer and dementia or Alzheimer’s. Fascinating, right? It’s all connected…

So in a nutshell — yep, pun intended! ;) — if you want to have a strong sex drive, maintain a strong erection, experience full-body non-ejaculatory healing orgasms, remember your own name, make healthy babies, have strong bones as you age, and build and maintain lean muscle (which has a direct correlation to how long you will live) then what do you need? A healthy prostate.

So what do we know about keeping this all-important organ in fighting shape?

Let’s start with an old saying: “No matter how much you shake your peg, the last few drops go down your leg.” I remember hearing this when I was young and wondering what it meant, and again the prostate comes into play. Any form of bladder weakness or incontinence is a clear sign that the prostate needs some TLC.

Of course, ancient wisdom is all over this one, and around 2,500 years ago the Chinese Taoists learned something about the prostate from an unlikely source… the male deer. These bucks, as they are also known, stand out in nature. Imagine you are living before the age of Christ, in nature, watching these majestic giants with huge horns every day. It’s going to eventually spark your curiosity, right? Male deer were hunted for their horns so that men could actually eat the horn to boost their own sexual health. Even to this day, you can buy deer antler velvet which is harvested surgically (without harming the animal), to boost your testosterone. As a plant-based man, I am not advocating that, but it shows that this ancient wisdom has been validated by science today.

Now, as our ancient forebears watched the bucks, they noticed that all day, they contracted and released their anus. They figured this must have something to do with pumping the sex hormones to the brain in order to grow those impressive horns, and started trying to do the same thing. And, the Deer Exercise was born. This is what I found when I dove back into some of my favourite Taoist texts — and ancient technique, derived from nature, and passed down over thousands of years. So I decided to give it a go.

Here’s how you do it. It’s very simple…

First, you need to know where the prostate is located, as it helps direct energy and focuses contraction. If you were to put a glove on with some castor oil on the middle finger and insert it into your anus, and then massage towards your navel, you will find the prostate. Hopefully, it’s soft and not painful to touch, but for many, it may be large and very sensitive. This is, in fact, an important part of prostate health — prostate massage — which is a very effective way to stimulate blood flow and start to remove any build-up of toxins and waste material. You can do this yourself, or have your partner do it, or even find a local practitioner who can do it for you. But be warned, it can come with a powerful side benefit: the whole body orgasm. 

The first time I experienced this, I was almost confused. I felt like either something was wrong with me physically because I didn’t know men could feel this. Or something was even more wrong with the world for not educating men about this powerful, transcendent experience they have at their fingertips! Literally. 

But here’s the thing… the more you practice what I am about to show you, the more you can experience that whole-body orgasm, as many times as you like, during sex — without anal penetration.

The deer exercise is simply contracting and releasing your anus muscle and pulling up your pelvic floor muscle (like when you stop the flow of urine) at the same time. Contract, release, contract, release. You will want to do this as many times as your age multiplied by two. So for me, that would be 41 x 2 = 82 times per day. One contract and release is one count. You can coordinate your breath to pump the energy even more up to your brain. In fact, a good guide is to keep going until it feels like your brain is contracting. You will know it when you feel it.

Doing this will improve the health of your prostate by making sure all the blood vessels in your reproductive system are flowing, and clear out the prostate of heavy metals and other toxins which block the flow leading to impotence.

This contract and release also gives you control of ejaculation, to the point where you can bring yourself to orgasm, but basically close the faucet using this contraction, which then pushes the energy and orgasm upwards, causing an injaculation.

Needless to say, this has helped me — otherwise, I wouldn’t be talking about it. In episode 106, I spoke about why we need to listen to our bodies if we want to have great health. In this case, I was paying attention to my dreams and my body, asking questions and finding the answer not in some pill or miracle food, but in my body. 

Right now, you have this incredible vehicle working hard every single day that just wants you to be the best, strongest and brightest version of you. Your body has the answers, and fellas, it’s time to get familiar with your prostate. A whole new world awaits!

I would love to hear from you, so please tag me @iamnickbroadhurst on social media. Please also leave me a comment below (I read every single one!). And if you could take a minute to leave me a review on iTunes I would be very grateful. Tell me what you want more of! I am at your service.

P.S. Always listen to your intuition (and your doctor or practitioner) before trying any new health or lifestyle practice.


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